Fishing and Breakfast

John 21:1-14 Is what I read this morning.

I will admit I was amused when I read verse 4 and 5. 4Early in the morning, Jesus stood on the shore, but the disciples did not realize that it was Jesus. 5He called out to them, "Friends, haven't you any fish?" "No," they answered.

He already knew they didn't catch anything! :) And then He goes and says throw your net on the other side and you will find some!!!!! Ha ha. I'm still chuckling about this. Couldn't Jesus have sent the fish over to the side where the net was in the first place??? Of course!

BUT HE DIDN'T. Have you ever wondered why? I was thinking about it and here's what I came up with.

If Jesus had sent the fish over would they have known it was a miracle?

If he never suggested the whole net side change thing there wouldn't have been a choice to believe him or not.

Jesus took this opportunity to ask the boys a question, to allow them to assess the bleek situation. Then he gave them a choice. Perhaps a faith test? Then he allowed them to act.

I can't help but recall the line in Evan Almighty when God, played by Morgan Freeman, says "When someone asks for patience do you think God gives them patience? Or does he provide them with opportunities to learn patience."

It totally makes sense. Doesn't make it easier though. I'd way rather get patience sitting with the Bible on my head then learn it. It's hard!!! (And I can sometimes be a whiner!)

The last two things that stuck out to me were Jesus saying "Come and have breakfast" I can't help but wish I could have been a bird in a nearby tree to see how Jesus came up with the food he had there for breakfast. I can't help but think it was a miracle.

On the breakfast note. I have to say I love going out for breakfast with family or friends. It is the best. Everyone is alert (ok maybe some after their 3rd coffee), and the day is fresh. Especially if it's De Dutch!

Also the note that says the nets didn't rip I believe yet another miracle.

Loving the little that is never really little at all.



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