What do You Got to Say?

I was reading in Acts the other day and a line stuck out to me. "..if you have a message of encouragement for the people, please speak." Acts 13:15b

The disciples were asked this of the leaders after the reading from the Law and the Prophets. Very cool.

In my last blog I talked about being prepared. We should be prepared to give an encouraging word anytime. We never know what one kind word might to for someone.

On the other hand later in the chapter it says "...expelled... they shook the dust from their feet in protest against them and went to Iconium. And the disciples were filled with joy and the Holy Spirit. " Acts 13: 50b-52

We should also be as equally prepared to shake the dust off our feet and walk.

I do find it incredibly interesting that right after they were expelled they were filled with joy. I can't say I would have that reaction. But that's the thing they didn't react they relied on the Holy Spirit. They were filled up. Our world view is very different when we are filled up with the Holy Spirit.

That being said our world view is very different when we're filled up with anything be it any other religion or even filled up with the religion of atheism.

So I guess it goes back to what I blogged about before. What are you full of? And What do you got to say?



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