No One Is Perfect, Remember?

I listened as my dear friend timidly told us her horrendous story about her childhood. She hadn't shared it with many people that was for sure. So where did I get off asking her such a bold, harsh sounding question?

I looked at her straight in the eyes and asked her if she could change her past would she do it? Her answer surprized me but yet I completely saw it coming from her. No. Why? Because it made her who she is today.

There is a fairly new book out right now called "I am Hutterite" You may have seen it on the CBC National News last night. I don't know enough about the book itself but as far as I gather it's one persons sad story about her upbringing. I will be looking into it more because it is getting more and more attention and is very close to home.

My mom was raised in a Hutterite colony. She didn't agree with things so she left. She lives and doesn't talk much about it outside the family unless it's to build up others.

I've quoted Alan Alda several times now when he said, some things are personal and some things are private.

If you're a Hutterite and your not happy you have a choice. Stay or leave. If your going to stay, or you're going to leave that is your choice, keep the private stuff private. Like my dear friend she stayed and endured unfortunately not knowing she had a choice. But you do. Whatever "life has dealt you" (not that I agree with chance) you have choices. Make the most of your life whereever you are and you can't do it well without a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I'm not talking organized religion or I tell you all to become Hutterites. They have a good thing at the core. Are they perfect? Are you?

Pastor Dave Wood gave a sermon one time that said, write the things that should be errased in the sand and the thing that should remain in stone.

Unfortunately maybe people forget what should be errased and the fact that no one is perfect.

Life Hard. Choose what's Best for you. If you are going through tough times. Get out or remember there is a reason.



  1. I read the book I am Hutterite it is not a sad story at all! It is a remarkable story of the Hutterite culture and it absolutely captures Mary Ann's voice. It is one of the best books I have ever read! No one is perfect and I'm so glad she showed Hutterites are just like you and me. She actualy makes you think twice about whether or not you might want to become a Hutterite!


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