The Drive

We were driving home from Manitoba, Kevin was sleeping and the boys quietly watching a movie. I was driving and uploading the memories of our vacation to my treasure box in my mind. As I drove I took in the scenery, the snow covered prairies, the blue sky and the frost covering the inside of our vehicle as I cruised down the highway. The low bushlike trees covered spurts of the side os the road. They were brown trees dressed in winter attire, brown and leafless, with the odd branch wrapped in snow.

Then something caught my eye. Several black patches near the tops of these well dressed trees. Crows, I thought as I drove by, but wait one was brown. Puzzled I focused on the large brown patch. It was larger and then as I took in the whole bird I scrolled up and saw the head. All white. My first thought was, They have bald eagles here? Show's a bit of my lack of knowledge. Secondly, I was surprised to see it just sitting so close to a busy road. I guess I'm so used to seeing them in the wilderness of the West Coast.

I pictured this scene long after I passed by and pondered why the crows all wanted to be around the eagle.

To me the crows represent us humans. I'll touch on that a bit more in the next blog.

Sometimes what happens is that we set up a crow another fellow human in the place of an eagle. We're all just crows!!

Follow the eagle and remember who you are.

Fly high, soar longer.



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