What's your Image of God?

If I asked the following questions on the street, I'm sure I'd get answers that were all over the map.

What is God like?

Describe His character.

Christ's disciples had different views of Jesus. How much closer can you get?

I was reading the Word (the Bible) this morning in Ezekiel chapter 7 and I read about God's wrath against sin and how He will unleash His wrath when He chooses.

Does that sound like God?

I saw an interview with Oprah where she said she had a problem with something a preacher said about God being a jealous God. She has a problem with the Bible then. I Biblegateway'd and found about a dozen verses describe God as a jealous God. Here's one.

Exodus 34:14 says Do not worship any other god, for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God.

I'm just curious how often she reads the Bible? Does she know God? Or was she just putting together an image of God from someone else's description (in this case her former pastor)? We cannot ever fully know God or understand all His ways especially someone else describing Him. Let's look at an example. My husband Kevin. If I never met him but heard about him through friends, through his family, through past relationships, I'd get all kinds of descriptions. That is not how you get to know someone!!

I am married to Kevin and I am committed to him. Would I describe Kevin as jealous even if he wants me to love only him in this way? Is that an overbearing controlling, angry man? No. It's because of our love for each other and commitment to each other.

Don't get to know God only through other people. Get to know Him yourself. Here's some great ways to get to know Him.

1. Pray, which is talking to God.
2. Read the Bible/Word which is God talking to you.
3. Ask Him to describe himself.

Will you always understand? No. Write out what you don't understand. Keep reading. Tell Him you don't get it. He made you he knows you don't get it. Surround yourself with others seeking Him.

I'd love to sit and share this with Oprah. Maybe one day.

Enjoy your day with Him.



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