God is Good? All the Time?

How can one of the toughest summers of my life also be my best one? That's how it works with God.

The support and peace I felt this summer passes human understanding. Not lessening the difficulty of the summer, just a shift in focus.

Cacey Byrd eliquently shares God is good all the time. Who defines good? If what's good for you is not good for me... is it really good? God is good so that makes Him the definition. Get to know Him to find out what is truly good. 

Enjoy Cacey's words. 

"God is Good" - how far does that 'Good' reach in your life? Is He good in every area? Every situation, circumstance, and season? Does He reign Good even in the tough times, and not just in the 'good' times? In the times of uncertainty and confusion? Is He Good, even when you don't ‘feel’ like He's Good?
I think the concept of our God being Good 'always' should be the most encouraging thing we he...

ar, anytime and anywhere. Because if God is Good, then there's hope for you and me, there's hope for our world and all of humanity.
God is Good, and an even more mind-blowing reality is that He gave up His one and only son, to die for our lives, so that He could truly shine His Glory and His Goodness through your and my life - through our daily journey with Him.
So, how 'Good' is your God? Pretty humbling, if you think about it. :)
Thanks Cacey for allowing me to share. 


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