Planning Your Week

Good Monday Morning!

A new week, a new day. Time to start getting on track in all areas of life.
Home, office, and relationships.

What areas do you need to spend some energy on?

Planning is huge and maybe a chore, but it's worth it.

Make a list. Write a note. Decorate the house. Have something ready for someone close.
Find out their love language and speak it.

What would make your week and someone elses?

Enjoy your planning.


  1. Thanks, it actually was a good Monday morning. Much less frantic than usual.
    I was able to tackle a couple of untidy corners and did vacuuming and laundry. And even sat and watched a bit of a video with my son.
    All in a state of calm, it was very cool.

    ; )

  2. Ooops,
    I guess that I should also mention that I did read a little devontion, and spent some time copying down some prayers into a journal too.
    I need to give Him some credit for my good day.
    ; )


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