The Connection

Good Morning!

It has been an extremely busy week.

The three things that stuck out to me were

  1. It Just Clicks
  2. Gary and Donna Dykstra
  3. It all Happens for a Reason

Let me briefly explain.

It Just Clicks

I'm sure you've seen those pictures that are simply a pattern but when you look through it and let your eyes focus past the surface suddenly it just clicks and you see an image.

Gary and Donna Dykstra

Gary's Birthday was yesterday and so was his last radiation treatment. I might not have ever talked to him if he never started talking to my kids. We found out that he grew up as a neighbour to my mom and now knows some of our family. I met his wife yesterday and she told me he has been given 6-8 months to live.

It all Happens for a Reason

Recently a friend of mine was sharing that everything happens for a reason. "You will make a contact or a connection through this." she said.

How amazing! Do you see the connection? These things are all tied. They weren't this week but they are. I am reminded of the scripture I read in Acts where Stephen who is about to be stoned talks about Moses as a baby and how he was destined for death and yet was saved.

What would you do if you only had 6-8 months to live? How would your life change? Would it change?

I am so incredibly thankful to have met and connected with Gary and Donna Dykstra. They are dear to me and grieves me to hear that this nice man has been told he has 8 months left.

If you don't know where you are going when you die, check out the "patterned picture" of Christ and his love for you. Keep looking. It will be amazing.

Looking at life differently,



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